Sunday, 19 July 2015

 In a paragraph, describe information in a statistical table listing average incomes of Canadians by family type. Introduce the paragraph with a general topic sentence, and then support it with details drawn from the table.
  Top Portion of Table (pictured above)
Bottom Portion of Table (pictured above)

Canadian living standards vary in range from poverty to the wealthy. In the table above there are a few patterns that emerge. The average income levels are divided into two categories, the families and the individuals (unattached). The highest income level was in a family where there were multiple incomes, meaning two or more. That category earned $114,600 per year. The average economic families had a much higher income level than unattached wage earners.  By contrast the lowest income earners were the one parent families and the individual solo earners. The category with the lowest income is the non-earner male. This category had an income of $12,800. I assume that this is an individual on social assistance. These statics show that the families with multiple incomes can afford a higher standard of living.

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